Monday, 8 June 2020

Professional Development Training

Many organizations provide work and professional development training to employees. They believe that the combined knowledge gained from PD training and professional development courses will help employees to excel in their careers. However, there are many who question if the course, especially a Work and Professional Development Course, is really of any use.

Some business owners argue that it does not make sense to pay for an extra course that will not result in any tangible benefits. The point is that if you are not getting anything out of it, why spend the money? After all, you already have the information that is relevant for your career and management. With this view, it is better to focus on other matters that will help you gain knowledge in a more comprehensive manner.

Some business owners believe that Professional Development Training will help to improve the employees' creativity and ideas. The theory goes that employees will come up with new ideas on their own when given such training. This is based on the belief that the employees learn to be self-sufficient so that they can be confident enough to take initiative and tackle problems. It is also believed that PD training helps employees deal with stress in a productive manner.

However, some business owners argue that there is no scientific proof that PD training leads to a rise in employee creativity. There are cases when employees become disinterested in such training because of boredom or even frustration. In fact, there is hardly any proof that professional development courses result in an increase in employee creativity.

Another reason that may be given for the belief that PD training does not improve employee creativity is the lack of interaction between trainees and the trainers. For some companies, it is important that employees know that they are being evaluated by the supervisors or the executives. Yet, there is no direct interaction between trainees and trainers.

Yet, PD training is effective and beneficial for those who attend such courses. Although many people believe that the course does not get results, there are others who believe that the course is helpful. The simple fact is that managers do need to impart knowledge to their employees so that they can be more productive. The rise in productivity can ultimately lead to better profits.

However, it is important to note that most of the studies on Professional Development Training, particularly those conducted in the United States, show that the information provided in the course of PD is of little or no value. The results showed that no employee, irrespective of their gender, age, background or education, can retain any meaningful information that is delivered by the class. The only result that could be considered as a result of the course is that the employees got to gain some practical experience of how the corporate environment works.

However, a thorough analysis of the results of PD training suggests that the information offered in the course is ineffective. Employees in such training classes were able to memorize words but could not recall what they had learnt. In fact, these facts do not hold good when they are compared to what they know in school or in college.

These findings were confirmed in various studies conducted in various training classes. Moreover, the cognitive abilities of employees were tested during the course. The results showed that employees were not able to demonstrate any meaningful improvement on learning capacity or cognitive skills.

Most companies and business owners believe that they should not spend money on Professional Development Training. It is observed that these courses do not result in any real benefits. Some may argue that it is expensive but there are other ways that can save money and still yield good results.

You should not compromise on the quality of training that you get if you want to be successful. The very fact that such training is voluntary means that you don't have to exert any effort to achieve the goals set. If you are looking to maintain your staff in top-notch condition, you need to make sure that you invest in PD training and utilize the resources available in your organization.

With this said, you must realize that your future depends on the quality of PD training that you provide to your employees. Take note that the most important ingredient of any good training program is that employees are encouraged to retain and acquire more information which will eventually lead to better learning.

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